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"Marie Ferree Tract" Original Land Grant

While in England and meeting with William Penn, it was agreed Marie Ferree would receive a land grant in Pennsylvania. In early 1712 the Ferree family left New Paltz, New York, where they had been staying since their arrival in America, and traveled to Philadelphia to present their papers to Penn's agents and claim their land. On September 10, 1712, 2000 acres of land was granted and confirmed to Daniel Ferree and Isaac Lefever for the consideration of 140 pounds plus 10 pounds interest. This was done with the understanding that the land was intended for use of the whole family and would be divided among the family members with each paying their proportionate part of the purchase price. On November 7, 1712, a year's quitrent was paid and a receipt issued in the name of Marie Warenbur. However, legally, she never owned any ground in Pennsylvania although the land has always been known as the "Marie Ferree Tract".

In dividing and surveying the land, it was discovered the grant actually contained 2300 acres. This was taken up with the proper authorities and it was agreed the Ferrees could retain the extra acres for an additional 21 pounds. The original land patent was surrendered and on October 29, 1734, was reissued increasing the acreage to 2300 plus an allowance of 138 acres for roads.



"William Penn, true and absolute Proprietary & Governor in Chief of ye Province of Pennsylvania & Territories thereunto belonging. To all or to whome these P'sents shall come sends Greeting. Whereas, my late Commissioners of Property, by their warrant bearing date ye Tenth day of ye Eighth Month in ye year One Thousand Seven Hundred & Tenn, granted unto John Rudolph Bundley and Martin Kindig & divers other Germans, late inhabitants in or near ye Palatinate of ye Rhine, Tenn thousand acres of land to be laid out to them on ye north side of a hill about twenty miles easterly of Conestogoe, near ye head of Pecque Creek, in this province, by virtue of which warrant there was survey'd & subdivided at ye instance of ye sd Martin Kindig for ye use of Daniel Fierre & Isaac Lefevre, late of Steinweilter, in ye Palatinate of ye Rhine, a certain tract, situate & bounded as follows, viz: Beginning at a corner tree of another tract belonging to ye same grant, running by ye same south by east eight hundred & twenty perches to a corner markt tree, thence east by a line of markt trees four hundred & twenty-two perches to a corner tree in a certain tract of land, surveyed by Thomas Story, thence by ye sd Story's land and vacant land north by west eight hundred & twenty perches to a post, thence west by a line of markt trees four hundred & twenty perches to ye beginning two thousand acres with allowance made for Roads & Highways, which ye sd Daniel Fierre & Isaac Lefevre requesting me to confirm to them by Patent. Know ye that for & in consideration of ye sum of One Hundred & Forty Pounds of money of this Province, together with Tenn Pounds for interest of ye same paid by ye sd Daniel Fierre & Isaac Lefevre to my use or ye use of ye trustees hereinafter named, ye receit of which sd one hundred & fifty pounds is hereby acknowledged, ye sd Daniel Fierre & Isaac Lefevre, their & either of their heirs, execut'rs or administ'rs & every of them are hereby forever discharged from ye same, & for ye further consideration of ye quitrents hereinafter reserved, I have given, granted, rel'ased & confirmed, and by these p'sents for me, my heirs, & successors, doe give, grant, release and confirm unto ye said Daniel Lefevre & Isaac Lefevre, their heirs & assigns, all that tract of land containing Two Thousand Acres, as ye same is now set forth, bounded limitted as afores'd, will all mines, mineralls, quarries, meadows, marshes, savannahs, swamps, cripples, woods, underwoods, timber & trees, ways, waters, watercourses, liberties, profits, commodities, advantages, hereditam'ts & appurtenances whatsoever, to ye sd two thousand acres of land belonging or in any wise appertaining and lying within ye bounds & limits afores'd (three full & clear fifth parts of all Royal mines free from all deductions & reprisals for digging & refining ye same only excepted & hereby reserved) & also free leave, right & liberty to & for ye sd Daniel Fierre & Isaac Lefevre, their heirs & assigns, to hawk, hunt, fish & fowell in & upon ye hereby gratned land & p'mises, or upon any part thereof. To have and to hold ye sd two thousand acres of land & p'mises hereby granted (except before excepted), with their appurtenances, to ye sd Daniel Fierre & Isaac Lefevre, their heirs & assigns, to the only proper use & behoof of ye sd Daniel Fierre & Isaac Lefevre, their heirs and assigns forever. To be holden of me, my heirs, successors, Proprietaries of Pennsylvania, as of our Manor or reputed Mannor of Springetsbury, in the County of Philadelphia, in free & common soccage by fealty only in lieu of other services. Yielding and paying therefor yearly to me, my heirs & successors, at Philada City, at or upon ye First day of March in every year, from ye first survey thereof, in coin current, to such person or p'sons as shall from time to be appointed to receive ye same.

In witness whereof, I have, by virtue of my commission to my Proprietary Deputies hereinafter named, bearing date ye ninth day of November last past, caused my Great Seal of ye sd Province to be hereunto affixed by & with ye consent and approbation of Henry Gouldney & others, ye Trustees for raising a certain sum of money out of my sd Province. Witnessed by their power to my sd deputies bearing date ye 10th day of November last past.

Witness Edward Shippen, Samuel Carpenter, Richard Hill, Isaac Norris, & James Logan, my sd Deputies, or some three of them, at Philada, ye Tent day of September, in ye Eleventh Year of ye Reign of our Sovereign Lady Ann, Queen of Great Britain, and Anno Dom'o One Thousand Seven Hundred & Twelve.

Samuel Carpenter, Richard Hill, Isaac Norris, James Logan.

Received this Eleventh day of September (1712) of ye within named Daniel Fierre & Isaac Lefevre, joyntly, ye full sum of One hundred & Forty pounds, money of Pennsivania, together with Ten Pounds interest, being ye full consideration money for ye full consideration money for ye within granted Two Thousand Acres of land. (Say received for ye use of ye within named Proprietor & Trustees & James Logan, Receiver.)

Recorded ye 12th of ye Seventh Mo. 1712.

Source: "The Story of the Ferree Family" by Emory Schuyler Ferree